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       linkin park - new divide

       New Divide


       I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me


       I remembered each flash as time began to blur


       Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me


       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between


       Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies


       Across this new divide


       There was nothing in sight, but memories left abandoned


       There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow


       And the ground c***ed in between where we were standing


       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between


       Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies


       Across this new divide


       In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you'd deny


       And each regret and each goodbye was a mistake too great to hide


       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space between


       Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies


       Across this new divide


       Across this new divide


       Across this new divide




       New Divide


       I remembered black skies / the lightning all around me

       记得那些黑色的天空 闪电将我围绕

       I remembered each flash / as time began to blur

       记得当每次闪光掠过 时间开始模糊

       Like a startling sign / that fate had finally found me

       一切像即将开始的暗示一般 命运终于开始眷顾我

       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space between


       Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies


       Across this new divide


       There was nothing in sight / but memories left abandoned


       There was nowhere to hide / the ashes fell like snow


       And the ground c***ed in / between where we were standing


       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Across this new divide


       In every loss / in every lie

       每次迷失 每次谎言

       In every truth that you'd deny


       And each regret / and each goodbye

       每次后悔 每个分歧

       was a mistake too great to hide


       And your voice was all I heard


       That I get what I deserve


       So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean


       Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes


       Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space between


       Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies


       Across this new divide


       Across this new divide


       Across this new divide


       《变形金刚》主题曲是《New Divide》。

       《New Divide》是由Linkin Park创作并演唱的歌曲,发行于2009年5月18日,并作为**《变形金刚》的主题曲,收录于**原声带《Transformers:Revenge Of The Fallen The Album》。2010年1月23日,该曲获得第三届HIT FM音乐奖年度十大金曲。

       《New Divide》是Linkin Park为**《变形金刚》量身定做的主题曲,是他们第二次受邀为《变形金刚》系列**写主题歌。在创作这首歌时,乐队已经看过了一些**的片段。歌曲的创作灵感就来自**,**主人公山姆因为遇到了一群变形金刚而改变了自己的生活,并且在这个过程中充满了艰难险阻。两种生活的交接和内心情感的变化正是这首歌的灵感来源。

《New Divide》歌曲鉴赏

       《New Divide》完美地捕捉到了**《变形金刚》的精髓。虽然只有查斯特·贝宁顿的愤怒呼喊声,而没有麦克·信田的说唱,但是整首歌曲并没有令人失望,特别是在歌曲中间部分加入的机械般的即兴重复段,不但和**相当吻合,而且也能令听众为之激动。

       《New Divide》是一首完全没有说唱的全摇滚歌曲,这或许印证了乐队风格的细微转变。不过它依然出色地满足了一部暑期**主题曲的所有要求,大气磅礴的歌词、对道德冲突的追问和解答以及对儿女情长的一笑而过。



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